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Hans Terwege   Hauptstraße 31   D 56379 Weinähr  Telefon 0049 (0)2604 7270

·       HAP Grieshaber 1909/1981 - Letter designs and woodcuts “the other bank before eyes” to the poems of Margarete Hannsmann 1921/2007

·       HAP Grieshaber - woodcuts “roughly, finely & divine” poems Margarete Hannsmann


I “the other bank before eyes” („Das andere Ufer vor Augen“)

Margarete Hannsmann, was the life companion of Grieshaber had to that the poems “the other bank” one utopian - ideal, imaginary place before eyes. Their lyric poetry is always engaged, without therefore ever to the agitations lyric to flat. Whether it concerns German landscape or city pictures or is a matter of critical representations, always your poems signal liberty and humanity.

HAP Grieshaber placed his outstanding art with 16 letter designs and 16 original woodcuts into the service to the lyric poetry of Margarethe Hannsmann. (Edition Claassen 1972, Hamburg and Duesseldorf)

In the bound expenditure (explanations see here, only out of print 1 x available, edition Claassen 1972, Hamburg and Düsseldorf) with the 16 original woodcuts of Grieshaber, Margarete Hannsmann in the resolution writes to the title: Landscape 

still undestroyed 

II “roughly, finely & divine” (grob, fein & göttlich)

37 original woodcuts - HAP Grieshaber from 1970 to the poems and to the prose of Margarethe Hannsmann, Editeur: Claassen, Hamburg and Düsseldorf.

Margarete Hannsmann writes, at a time, when many people, which well or badly had been, transferred only from car to car, played I clown theatre for its children. She collected advertisements and acted with stuffed foxes, nightingales, larynges and art off hearts.

As to the net the bee flies
at the thread a crawler-type vehicle climbed

I seat with my shade quietly.

Two expenditures with the lyric poetry and prose of Margarethe Hannsmann together with woodcut gri037 are still present.

Margarate Hannsmann - prose - cut-out out „roughly, finely & divine

It does not depend on it like for a long time one there was. Whether one is born there. Something else must be added. That related, like one as a child the grass affected, crust, the stone, an animal, the earth. As one yet did not differentiate between its duration and the own.

Now, differentiating, again deliver themselves. “I” say to this landscape opposite. It accepts me. It refers me. It does not force me.

No season overwhelms.
But the sum of the characteristics.
I must against it-set my.

Suddenly there one does not have the instant in the hand, it is: in a crow cry, in a skabiose (plant kind). The instant in a blue over the crests stands. In the blue behind a tree skeleton appears. The instant in a black, in a green, differently than otherwise. The instant in a stone. In the fog rises or falls.
Hans Terwege.

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