Kleinschmitdt Peter

painter and graphic artist

To the pictures of Peter Kleinschmidt passion cycle has the forming art since over a millennium creates. For the old art the Alps are northern the passion Christi right actual mental middle is. Your big master- green-forest, Durer, Rembrandt have inside their Last and Most sovereign testifies. If they did it to the Durer now in narrative manner; if they the congregation timeless, of the liturgical connection conditional symbols before eyes Put how green-forest; or if a Rembrandt in the suffering Christs the brother person saw and this "Human" the eyes and hearts imprinted- always they have the passion as images or symbol of an events on an arena with several completely or haf figure shapes represent. Peter Kleinschmidt, teachers at the Berliner college for forms arts, undertakes with his passion-cycle "ECCE FAG" the venture, the salvation-events about and on Golgatha only through the participants' countenance presently. The face is the crucial bearer of the mental-mental expression. The all-most personal steps here out of the [Innern] into the outer appearance. And straight therefore offered itself the modern artist the countenance as it were as battlefield of the wrestling about God forcible, about the last fight between light and darkness, how he was delivered once on Golgatha, as unique events and nevertheless enables personally and  presence to illustrate.

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