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Biography in German

Giovanna Boccaccio
Born: 1313,  Dead:1375 in Certaldo, Italy 

1313 to Paris illegitimate born as a son of Boccaccio or Boccaccino di Chellino, a businessman from Certaldo (Tuscany), and a French noblewoman. The father had the profession to Paris. The secret concubinage with Giovanna transformed it is not, as promised, in a marriage. He moved back to Florence. The rapid death of the abandoned lover he Giovanni, which is the first name of the mother, was to be. Part in Florence, partly in the near Certaldo he spent his childhood. These early days of life seems to him by his father’s wife to have been denatured. Soon there were comforting the love of poetry and to the Latin language. But the father to buy him some men and sent the fifteen year old son for further training to Naples. Here there was a major trading centre of Florence. Boccaccios father stood as a participant in the bank Bardi, in close connection with the Neapolitan court, King Robert d’Anjou awarded him for his financial services, the title consiliarius, cambellanus, mercator, et Familial fidelis noster. He reluctantly was imposed to the youth occupation; he lost by six years. Then he turned again to his father’s wishes, the study of canonical law. Important but it was the ancient poet (above all Virgil, Ovid and Statius) and the handling of learned men. He stood near Paolo da Perugia, the librarian of the king and specialist’s mythology, as well as the poet Cino Pistoia, and the circle of friends Petrarcas. At Andalö del Negro, he studied astronomy, in the Calabrian monk Barlaam the Greek language. It’s drawn him the highest literary and joyful bustle, which is the way Robert King, the promoter of arts and humanism. 

1336 an Easter Saturday was crucial to his life and work: in the Church of San Lorenzo sparked his love for Maria dei Conti di Aquino, Natural daughter of the King. She was with a Neapolitan nobleman married. Soon they gave Boccaccio boundless their favour. They were both half-French blood, illegitimate fruits of love, both the same age of twenty-three years. Maria facilitated the lover access to the court, its air and its intellectual pleasures Saturday he met rich dimensions. He also enjoyed the pleasures of Baja, the summer residence of Making Neapolitans; it was the bath the ancient Roman aristocracy. Maria dei Conti di Aquino lives as Boccaccios Fiammetta. She was apparently a Hetäre of mind. Immediately she realized Boccaccio’s genius and encouraged him to be quite this to prescribe. Half directly, indirectly, she was the person of inspiration of numerous works. And when they, after three years of mental and biological Boccaccio left to change loved those, he took their drives no more. The agony the jealousy concern and love he had indeed tasted deeply, as he is now the agony of the forsaken through.         

         ■1336-1341 originated in the Naples Filocolo, a prose novel about the medieval legend of Flore and Blancheflor, a material formed                from Byzantine love story, to 1160 in France was, and emerged from there further hiked. He brings the Decameron on the basic                facilities of social entertainment, which by the novellas in Decameron revised return.   

1338 with the Filostrato led Boccaccio pressing (Ottava rima) for the first time from the People’s poetry in the art of poetry; followed him to Luigi Pulci, Boiardo, Ariost, and Tasso. The ancient accusation was Statius (Tebaide) and the French novel de Thebes before. The best scenes of Poems draw attention to the novels of amore Decameron. In the following Florentine years he takes gasket to gasket. 

1341-42 which Ninfale d ‘Ameto begins the modern history of the novel Shepherd: Boccaccio completes the transition from Latin to the Italian and poems to novels. Fiammetta The novel is about the love of Maria di Aquino. But the poet turns the wheels of life: Piammetta is the Abandoned, Lost and their agonies are psychologically analyzed. For the first time a woman will appear here spiritual not, but in the gluten and suffering of the passion. Even the. Boccaccio’s main part of this love poetry circles. All previously produced works had their origin in Fiammetta experience. All is the love of the land and supporting the thematic allegation. The sense of the realities is often still buried under scholarly, rhetorical, allegoric, ornamental accessory. But the poetic force repeatedly broke through and created three major works of art: the Filostrato, Fiammetta a psychological novel 1343, the first printing 1472, and 1806 first German pressure translated by Sophie Brentano Mereau born wife (1770/1806) by Clemens Brentano ( 1778/1842) and the Ninfale fiesolano.

1346-1348 trips to Ravenna, Forli and Naples. Then back to Florence where he honours the city many had given. Florence wills Boccaccios permanent residence. 

         1348 until 1355 follows the coronation of the poem Boccaccio, the Decameron.  With forty years, he and his highest work.

        Section 1350 introduces him a legation in the Romagna; in the same years he presents Dante’s daughter Beatrice, in the Monastery of Santo Stefano to Ravenna lives, ten Florentine gold guilders. And in the autumn Petrarca his guest in Florence. Hinfort connects the two poets the purest friendship.

        1351 Boccaccio sent his friend Petrarca an invitation from the Signoria of Florence, a professor at Padua to take over, but he refuses. In the same year, which represents Boccaccio Republic in the negotiations with the Queen of Naples. And in December, he was sent to Duke Ludwig of Bavaria to Tirol to him an alliance against Giovanni Visconti propose.

       1362-1366, it provides a detailed geographical reference book to facilitate reading classical together, it is titled: De montibus, sylvis, fonfibus, lacubns, fluminibus, stagnis seil paludibus et de nomin'tbus mar'ts libri. These scholarly works in the Latin language are results of its ancient studies, which the encounter with Petrarca had given new impetus. The humanism as awareness of posture Boccaccio had already been embodied, and humanistic change in the meaning for the life he took with the Decameron a turn of obvious importance: the earthly life becomes the subject of poetry. Alone, within the humanism as philological and philosophical movement comes Boccaccio little importance. The great mass of knowledge from its Greek and Latin literature in the stores he mentioned compilations. Modes he wears while details of the classical Early, a synthesis without challenge, without a sound, without their own choice and garnering. Another historically explainable is the fact that Boccaccio by its Latin Compilation first European reputation gained while he was Italian poet later also worked on Italy. The early Renaissance to 1350 was only a short phase. After Petrarca and Boccaccio, which also great humanist and great poet in Italian, was an example one the one hundred-year-old fission. While Boccaccio on humanist Petrarca to-stood areas, both in prophetic as in the critical sense and also in the use of the Latin, he was superior to him in the Greek studies. In the humanistic studies Boccaccio sought reassurance from a severe mental disorder, which he had taken and the poetic urge creeping killed. The previously quit cheerfully, balanced, full of the joys of life man suffered depression. He is ready, his papers to throw into the fire. Petrarca admonished him, in his beloved studies ourselves. He remains loyal to them, but now the death always thought in the back. And that was the Decameron sting of his age. Petrarca invites him, with him in fraternal community to live, but he refuses friendly.   

      1362 in October at the invitation goes Boccaccio to Niccolò Acciaiuolis, Siniscaico Queen Johanna, to Naples; hurt he leaves the city after six months and travels to Petrarca to Venice. Then he chooses Certaldo for permanent residence - he is admittedly often in Florence, and again on the road.
1365 he travels in political mission to pope Urban 1365 V. in Avignon, and 1367 to him to Viterbo and Rome.
Section 1370 provides for it to Naples last times, but disappointed anew. Kind invitations from high sides, he proposes; they had promised him carefree times - he always was in financial embarrassment. But he goes back to prefer Certaldo, Johannes Boccaccius de Certaldo civis, as he is called in documents, Certaldese by origin, by Florentine adoption.


      1375 invites him to the city of Florence, daily a public lecture on Dante’s Divine Comedy to keep, in the church of Santo Stefano di Badia, to an annual exchange of one hundred gold guilders. To Boccaccio 1364 had its Vita di Dante drafted. And now, on 25 October 1375, Dante begins his course. By the following January holds he lectures about 60, then the Commento ai primi 77 Canti dell ‘Inferno. Illness prevented him from continuing in public education, and also the voice. The criticism, which is not the Muses before the ignorant people will know prostitution. Boccaccio withdraws final after Certaldo, the town of his fathers. He lived in the tower to the left of his medieval house. From here the eye opens up a vast panorama of the Valley of the Elsa, on the Tuscan countryside, to the towers of San Gimignano. In July 1374 he hears of the death of the only major friend Petrarca. By the end of next year Boccaccio died at the age of 72 years - the last of the Big Three of Florence.

Internet-Kunstausstellung Boccaccio - Chagall - Dali  (back to the Internet-Art-Exhibition)

Boccaccio's renowned ladies documentation (Biblothéque Nationale, Paris) 15th century

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