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Tápies, Antoni
born: 1923 Barcelona, Spain 
died: 6. of February 2012 in Barcelona

 Self taught except for a two-month attendance at the Nolasc Valls academy, Antoni Tápies came in contact with contemporary art in 1934 and began not only to paint but to immerse himself in the art and philosophy of the Far East. His mature work in particular is suffused by a profound seriousness, born of the desire, as he says, to help "people remember who they really are, to give them a topic to think about, to give them a shock that will waken them from their wrong-minded delusion . . ." Tápies devotes hiss work "to helping human beings overcome the state of self alienation, by surrounding them in their daily lives with objects which confront them, in a 'touchable' way, with the ultimate and deepest problems of our existence." In its invocation of the healing powers of collective memory, Tápies's art is certainly at the very least, as Werner Schmalenbach has said, an art of meditation. Tápies confronts us with complex configurations resembling great slabs or walls, grey and rough, and on first sight melancholy and deeply earnest in effect. The material) appearance of these paintings cannot be separated from their pictorial expression. The secrets of humble materials, the sumptuousness of paint masses, the expressive force of sand textures, folded cloth, wood, paper and lacquer are skilfully deployed to the artist's ends and put in the service of his message. The simple and elementary nature of his media, believes Tápies, will encourage us to concentrate on what is essential in us and our world. "The means i use for the necessary inspiration should be as direct as possible. Instead of giving a sermon on humility, I often prefer to depict humility itself. At times it may be better to shaw a pile of countless indistinguishable sand grains than to expatiate on solidarity among men." The devices and symbols in Tápies's art are never solely aesthetic in intent; they invariably suggest the presence of living treasures, usually human beings, who leave traces of their lives wherever they are and whatever they do.



Literature of and over Bernard Schultze into the Germans' catalog national-library
Leipzig (formerly Deutsche Bücherei) 
Frankfurt am Main (formerly Deutsche Bibliothek) 

1. Antoni Tàpies 
Köln : Galerie Boisserée, 2006 

2. Tàpies, Werke auf Papier 1943 - 2003 
Emden : Kunsthalle, 2003 

3. Tàpies 
Köln : Wienand, 2003 

4. Empremtes - Spuren. Antoni Tàpies - das Werk 
Catoir, Barbara. - Köln : DuMont-Literatur-und-Kunst-Verl., 2003 

5. Tàpies 
Galfetti, Mariuccia. - St. Gallen : Erker-Verl., 2002 

6. Antoni Tàpies 
Passau : Museum Moderner Kunst - Stiftung Wörlen, 2002 

7. Antoni Tàpies 
Zürich : Galerie Lelong, 2001 

8. Tàpies 
München : Haus der Kunst, 2000 

9. Die Wirklichkeit als Kunst 
Tàpies, Antoni. - St. Gallen : Erker, 1999 

10. Konstellationen 
Fellbach : Stadt Fellbach, Kulturamt, 

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